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Best Movie Quotes Of All Time

100 Greatest Movie Quotes of All Time

The Ultimate List of Unforgettable Lines

Famous Movie Quotes You've Definitely Heard Before

From "Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn" to "I'm the king of the world," certain movie quotes have become iconic and ingrained in our collective consciousness. The American Film Institute's list of the 100 Greatest Movie Quotes of All Time includes these and many more unforgettable lines.

No matter how many movies we watch, it's impossible to remember every single line. However, some quotes stand out so vividly that they become part of our everyday speech and pop culture references. To test your movie trivia skills, we've compiled the very best movie quotes from all your favorite films, including classics like Jaws and The Wizard of Oz.

Whether you're a movie buff or just looking to brush up on your knowledge of the most memorable lines in cinema history, this list has something for everyone. So grab your popcorn, sit back, and let the magic of the silver screen transport you to worlds unknown.
